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TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio Areas at work in Clapham Bedfordshire.

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Friday 26th May 2023. TCM Jet Wash Drives was called out by a lovely lady who needed her patio, pathways and wooden sleepers cleaned.

TCM Jet Wash Drives ( Clapham, Beds)
TCM Jet Wash Drives ( Clapham, Beds)

TCM Jet Wash Drives and patio areas ( Clapham, Beds 1 )
TCM Jet Wash Drives ( Clapham, Beds 1 )

TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio's and wooden sleepers
TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio's

After clearing away the furniture in the garden we set to work spraying down our pre-wash chemical.

TCM Jet Wash Drives Pre wash
TCM Jet Wash Drives Pre wash

Once we did this we set to work on the wooden sleepers.

TCM Jet Wash Drives Wooden Sleepers
TCM Jet Wash Drives Wooden Sleepers

TCM Jet Wash Drives Wooden Sleepers 1
TCM Jet Wash Drives Wooden Sleepers 1

Once the wooden sleepers were back to looking like new again we got our surface cleaner pro out to clean the patio area and paths. After rinsing off, and with such a lovely day, the pathways and patio areas dried out and we applied a weed killer solution and sprayed this.

TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio Area's The patio area once we had finished.
TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio Area's

After rinsing off, and with such a lovely day, the pathways and patio areas dried out and we applied a weed killer solution and sprayed this

TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio Area's  Before and After.
TCM Jet Wash Drives and Patio Area's

We then put back all the furniture and prepared for our next job in Bedford. The video shows the before, during and after shots and the lady was over the moon, she said everything all looed like new again


TCM Jet Wash Drives: Pressure Washing Driveway and patio Cleaning

Phone: 07513 121702

©2018 by TCM Jet Wash Drives. 

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