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Driveway Cleaning in your area Northamptonshire

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Driveway Cleaning in your area Northamptonshire:

TCM Jet Wash Drives: Job One Driveway Patio and path cleaning in Raunds, Northants.

Job Two: Small Driveway covered in moss needs a good clean.

What a difference a day makes! Both of these jobs came as recommendations after we had cleaned another block paved Driveway in Raunds, Northants.

Driveway Cleaning in your area Northants

First Job: Back garden block paved path and drive to garage in need of a good clean and black spot removal, weeds and stains and then a re-sand of Kiln Dried Sand. Patio area again needing a good jet wash. Front Garden: Block paved Driveway at the front of the house needed a good clean, black spot, moss and weed removal and then kiln dried sand brushed into the blocks.

Driveway Cleaning in your area Raunds, Northants
Driveway Cleaning in your area Northants

Block Paved Driveway Cleaning in your area Northants
Driveway Cleaning in your area Northants

Job 2: Again in Raunds, Northamptonshire, once we finished our first job, we head off to the second job of the day. A small driveway covered in moss and was causing a problem to the elderly lady as it was slippery and dangerous.

TCM Jet Wash Driveways in Raunds, Northants
TCM Jet Wash Driveways in Raunds, Northants


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